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The Association of Master Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers (AMUSF) was founded in 1947 (then as the AMU) to protect and represent the interests of upholsterers, small furniture makers, and soft furnishers.  In those days of post-war austerity, this group of master craftsmen (and craftswomen) were starved of many of the materials needed for their trades. They felt the need for a group voice and mutual support to tackle the difficulties this caused and, in the highly regulated environment of the time, to ensure that they could influence local and national government in the framing and enforcement of laws which affected them.

Since those early days, the Association has vastly extended the range of support it gives to members. It is still a lobbying body, but it also provides diverse services and advice to individual members.  The Association is also highly active in training as it sees this as a vital contribution to the long-term well-being and continuing strength of the upholstery and soft furnishing industry.

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