Manufacture your own range of British Lampshades
You could be missing out on an excellent opportunity to increase your sales revenue, learn new skills and offer new services to your clients by supplying professional handmade lampshades to coordinate with their interiors.
Visit our stand, B50, in Hall 2, and we will demonstrate how easy it is to make professional lampshades for your clients using fabrics, wallpaper, or your covering of choice. Giant oversized lampshades, a unique and exclusive addition to home and commercial interiors are not available in retail stores. Learn how to manufacture your own efficiently and economically, supplying your clients with unique products.
If you don’t want to make lampshades, you don’t have to miss out!
Your customers could make them by stocking our professional lampshade-making kits.
We supply everything you need to get started, and our help and advice are always free.
A warm and friendly welcome awaits; we look forward to meeting you.